Tuesday, January 3, 2012

With Hackers Everywhere, How Can You Protect Yourself From Them When On The Internet

By Martin Clamson

Think about an average day in your life: run through your twenty four hour schedule. Amidst all of the stuff you do, technology is right there with you. It begins as soon as you wake up; if you are an ordinary worker, you have to use an automobile to get there. Before that, you have turn up your espresso machine to get you going in the early morning! Most people have such a need for coffee that they cannot even function beforehand. Once you have used all of this technology to get you up, you are at work.

Maybe your job place is not where you are first headed though. Maybe you have to make a slight detour for some brunch, so you pin the info into your economically friendly Global Positioning System (GPS for those in the know) and take off wherever the great satellites may beckon you. The computer robotic speech machine will show you the path of least resistance, monitoring you from the great beyond. At the breakfast diner, you will hand the waiter a tiny scrap of plastic with numbers on it to pay for your meal, a strange concept.

Once you've had your early morning coffee and food fix, you have presumably arrived at work safe and ready for an exciting day hard at work for capitalism. Assuming you work in some sort of job for a large company running a small aspect of it, your life for the next hours of the day revolves around computers. Think about how often at work you utilize technology in your daily activities; even the most basic functions of the corporation could not run without some system of communication.

You hop on your computer and log into your security password protected accounts and start filing away all of the days work. You then come across some sort of conundrum in your files and have to call your supervising manager. Through the phone service, you have just solved a problem with your files, your computer, and can now get back to work. Technology facilitates nearly every aspect of a business. The problem is though, in your little corporate world, you sometimes forget to factor the outside world, except when it comes to sales.

When you are at your executive conferences and the guy in charge asks how your team can bolster sales of a product, obviously the key is appealing more to the customers. After all, they are the ones you are vying for and the ones who pay to have your business continue to flourish. The most common method of reaching people is through advertising, so you set out on getting some ad space and set up some sort of pitch. Would you ever in a million years think to tell people you will exchange some of your company's personal information for their business?

This sounds absurd, and would probably fail as a viable marketing ploy. It also makes no sense, as giving away personal details of your company would allow the holder to steal from or make decisions that could negatively affect you and the other workers. With this kind of information, you might as well have handed them the keys to the company. The money that they gave you in exchange for intimate access to your company's data would actually enable them to re-wire the money back to them, so you would gain nothing at all.

As scary as it is though, people can get a hold of this information without even the most outrageous marketing scheme. A hacker could break into that secure terminal you upload to every day at work and find out all sorts of information about your business. If they use this correctly, they could steal piles of your money and you would be none the wiser until the end of the month. So while technology got you through your rough morning, it could also be the bane of your business's existence.

If these criminals can break through our security systems and not be caught, then how in the world do we stop them? Obviously the quickest answer one can come up with is to simply bolster your online security with more and more systems, but this is not always the solution. Simply enough, the best thing to do is just be more vigilant when surfing the web and inputting information. There are sites out there that are set up just to steal your information when you log on, and the same is true for hackers preying on businesses. Just don't give any data from your business, and make sure to always keep important information secured on your computer, and to yourself.

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