Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Assurance Of Data Safety Comes With Managed File Transfer Solutions

By Howell Rice

Some fifteen years ago, information technology revolutionized and since then transferring data electronically brought many advantages to the society. Transfer of data has certainly become easy from place to the other giving additional advantages to the people using it. This has more or less avoided physical transfer of data and made the business people flourish their business to new heights. However, now-a-days the businessmen are facing many problems with safety and security of data they are transferring. It is because majority of them are still using FT/SFT protocols which are outdated and obsolete from a long time. The advanced system is Managed File Transfer solutions which has extra features built in to safeguard the data when transferred.

The Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Is Not Secure In Present Scenario

Some companies are still strongly feeling that File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is safer and use them without giving much thought. However, it is very much possible that realization would have dawned upon them about insecurity of FTP on data transferred. Let it be external or internal data, this particular solution is unsafe. With modern solutions hitting the markets, this system has become old and unusable. Even the next solution called secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) is being suggested by the vendors. It has a network protocol called SSH through which the data is transferred. But due to inherent defects the confidentiality and integrity of data is at stake.

Data transfer in this takes place through a network protocol called SSH. But the deficiencies it has can put the confidentiality and integrity of data at risk. Due to intrinsic defect in its design SFTP has become insecure and thus not being used by anyone. That brought Managed File Transfer (MFT) solutions into the market. With features of high level security, meeting strict regulatory compliance standards is much more secure in providing genuine data transfer solutions as per your requirement. The additional merit is data movement can be seen sitting at one place.

Merits of Managed File Transfer Solutions

It is a very huge and critical issue for any establishment to transfer secret data. Sector may be anything like banking industry, retail industry or government sector, the trouble is always going to be there if you are not using secure methods while transferring files. Ask any seller for Managed File Transfer solutions, they come with five priceless advantages. They are Data Security, visibility, manageability, reliability and compliance. A genuine MFT solution comes with most important SSL encryption, X.509 certificates and proxy certificates which are essential for present modern security standards and system.

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