Monday, January 30, 2012

Reputable Companies That Were Hacked In 2011

By Ilechukwu Magnus

The Fortune 500 companies don't have it all together. While these companies may be pulling the stories from left and right, their computer departments are not always to be followed. In fact, 2011 was quite a year for major corporations being hacked. Some of these corporations lost their top financial data to hackers and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to remedy the situation. In descending order, they are listed below:
Full Disk Encryption- The Big Name Companies With Compromised Security Cases In 2011
Charles Shwab
Freddie Mac
Wells Fargo
Price Waterhouse Coopers
However, there were still many other companies that were compromised listed by even the European Space Agency, the Internal Revenue Service and the General Services Administration according to CNN reports in an October 2011 article.
While it may not be that beneficial to start digging on how this could happen, these companies and even the yet-to-be compromised are rather struggling to ensure that such conditions don't repeat itself again in the future. But how can they accomplish this? A lot of the big name corporations has decided to hand over the security of their company to full disk encryption.
Uncrackable Full Disk Encryption- Have You Heard Of Full Disk Encryption?
Full disk encryption carries out an uncrackable encryption on any file handed to it. This has been the savior for companies that are in the priority list of hackers.
With full disk encryption, files are safe, even those currently in use. Even if hackers get hold of any file from your system it can't be read and any attempt to do that will trigger a self-destructive mode which will render the file useless. Do you think this is another promise from the Mission Impossible? Well, it's not. Having been used by hundreds of businesses and corporations, full disk encryption has proved the best method of data protection.
Full disk encryption is designed compatible with any device that can be hacked being it PC, laptop, mobiles devices, etc. Even if a laptop is stolen, it is protected by a password and after too many failed attempts to access the information, it will be destroyed.
Is Full Disk Encryption For Anyone?
Because it is so easy to use, more companies (even small businesses) are turning to this form of protection. It offers business owners that extra piece of mind because the files are protected automatically. As a user of the computer, you don't need to commit anything to memory. It protects very single data in the system, even those you are currently working on.
Full disk encryption just may be the perfect solution to a wide range of security issues. No one can completely stop data from being accessed, but if it's completely scrambled and useless to the reader, that's an entirely different situation. Get Full Disk Encryption

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