Monday, January 30, 2012

The Most Current Ad Serving Solution of Google

By Cori Rothwell

Google have soft launched Ad Manager, a tool that most publishers could use so that they can give most of their time creating the best content and not just maintaining their own ad space. It is vital that all campaigns are provided on time which is why most publishers are doing a great deal to maintain and manage their inventory.

A free of charge inventory management system and hosted ad will help all publishers to measure, sell, schedule and deliver their network-based ad inventory.

Using this effective tool, user's experience will be the focus of publishers. Maximizing results and at the same time minimizing ad management work is now possible. In other words, with the help of Google Ad Manager, you will have more money and control using less time.

Are you aware of Ad Manager and how it will change the system?

Summarized below are its features:

*You can manage your inventory efficiently. Easier to manage and ad tag generation

*Make use of yield optimization. You can compete on price with other ad networks, make use of AdSense to be able to fill unsold inventory or automatically maximize your CPMs.

*Make use of Ad targeting. Your site visitor's bandwidth, domain, geography, operating system, bandwidth, browser and browser language can be targeted by your ads.

*Order booking, trafficking, and ad delivery

* You have the option of creatives and several different media management tools

*Various reporting techniques

*Use their unique interface design

*Easier account management

*Accurate inventory forecasting: Aware of what inventory can be sold.

Some vital information as well as their FAQs: 1. Do you have to exclusively use Ad Manager? It's not necessary. It's not required to utilize Ad Manager exclusively. You are given the option to switch to other providers any time or simultaneously use other ad management and ad serving softwares with Google Ad Manager.

2. Do I have to use AdSense as my one and only ad network? You are not required. You have the freedom to choose any ad network. You can make use of Google Ad Manager and AdSense for your ad source. Are you interested to ask about Google's purpose? Yes, it's a service free of charge, although Google only wants more people to join in their endeavor. There is no problem.

Therefore, do you want to use Ad Manager? It is definitely inevitable, you will expand and outgrow your current network in the near future, and if this happens, you will require a professional to manage your ads for you, thus, don't wait any longer and sign up now and you will not regret it. This tools will definitely make your life more easier, if you are arranging your ad inventories, use Ad Manager, it's free of charge and is effective in delivering the best for your business.

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