Monday, January 30, 2012

The Newest Ad Serving Device Limited Beta Launching of Google

By Elbert Lauber

When Google bought DoubleClick, they have announced to all publishers that they should focus on their content more rather than supervising their own ad space and this is the important issue that Ad Manager will solve. It is vital that all campaigns are provided on time which is why most publishers are doing a great deal to maintain and manage their inventory.

All websites that are using virtual dedicated servers will receive numerous advantages. Full root access to the server is one of its advantages. Therefore, you have the advantage of customizing your server the way you like it. You are given the ability to host several different websites, change server configuration, install any software you want, and add and update packages. Other clients who are also on that same server cannot access your files or programs, which provides more security.

With this tool, publishers will have enough time to work on any user's issues. They have the ability to make use of results in just a few ad management time. In other words, with the help of Google Ad Manager, you will have more money and control using less time.

Are you aware of Ad Manager and how it will change the system?

Summarized below are its features:

*Inventory management have never been this easier. Very convenient generation of ad tag and managing it

*Yield optimization and its advantages. You have the option to utilize AdSense in order to fill unsold inventory or compete using price against other networks, and most of all to automatically enhance your CPMs.

*Make use of Ad targeting. Take advantage and target your ads to your website visitor's geography, browser language, operating system, domain, browser, and bandwidth.

*Take advantage of trafficking, ad delivery, and order booking

* You have the option of creatives and several different media management tools

*Several different reporting choices

*One of a kind user interface navigation

*Easier account management

*Accurate inventory forecasting: Aware of what inventory can be sold.

Some vital information as well as their FAQs: 1. Do you have to exclusively use Ad Manager? You are not required. You don't have to exclusively use Ad Manager. You can take advantage of other ad management and ad serving tools together with Google Ad Manager or you can even use another provider.

2. Do I have to use AdSense as my one and only ad network? Yes. Any ad network will do. You can make use of Google Ad Manager and AdSense for your ad source. You might also want to know the advantage that Google wants? Yes, it's a service free of charge, although Google only wants more people to join in their endeavor. Definitely.

Therefore, do you want to use Ad Manager? Managing your own ads is a great way for your network, although, there will come a time that your network will become larger and therefore needs an expert to manage it for you so sign up now and learn new things (this is your goal, am I correct?). This tools will definitely make your life more easier, if you are arranging your ad inventories, use Ad Manager, it's free of charge and is effective in delivering the best for your business.

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