Monday, January 30, 2012

What You Might Acquire When Using Ad Serving

By Emeline Hogenson

Firstly, let us define and go over a brief explanation regarding what ad serving is. In layman's terms, ad server is the platform that stocks and transports ads to website guests. There are two subcategories for an ad server - the local ad server and the third party ad server or remote ones. Before hitting on the main point of the article, first let us describe what the respective subtypes are.

Minimalism Removing old ads and adding new ones can be made very simple by just a small number of clicks of a button.

There can be advertisers paying only enough for an ad to be shown in each individual within one day. If this happens, the ad server is capable of distinguishing which ads a user already saw, will not show it again to that same user in case he already has seen that ad. A really good characteristic of ad serving is its ability to fully or partially automate methods of enhancing placement, bidding, targeting, and other features. A couple other of its vital means are as follows:

Targeting peoples' actions To determine the types of ads to display on every user's visit depending on the prior behavioral reactions using a user profile. In such cases, placing car advertisements on doorways of automotive sections for which a user is known to be recurrently visiting on a general media web page.

Individual contextual targeting Understanding where to put an ad to gather optimum traffic with regards to the details contained on a website where the advertisement is being placed. Like for instance, automatically putting up mountain bike advertisements on a website having mountain bike articles.

Improving innovative sources Bringing into play experimental as well as predictive methods for each placement of any given ad to go into its optimum potential and constantly using that drive in the future.

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