Monday, January 30, 2012

Concerning Ad Server

By Eugenio Maccarone

Firstly, let us define and go over a brief explanation regarding what ad serving is. Being a computer program, the ad server is able to store ads and bring them to website audiences. The ad server main category is subdivided into two types - the remote or third party ad server and the local ad server. Before hitting on the main point of the article, first let us describe what the respective subtypes are.

a. A solo publisher is able to control and manage the local ad server; furthermore, it feeds ads to that owner's areas that will allow for a finely tuned creative formatting and substance. b. The other type, the remote ad server, can feed numerous ads through different domains managed and owned by a lot of publishers. It delivers ads from one significant source to let advertisers along with publishers trace how their online ads give out and acquire a single place to control the dissemination and rotation of their online ads all athwart the web.

One other thing is when an advertiser pays just the right amount of money to display individual ads per person per day. If this happens, the ad server is capable of distinguishing which ads a user already saw, will not show it again to that same user in case he already has seen that ad. The semi- or fully- automated ways of maximizing bid offers, targeting buyers, placing ads, and others is a key aspect of ad serving. Its other important methods are the following:

Targeting peoples' actions To determine the types of ads to display on every user's visit depending on the prior behavioral reactions using a user profile. In such cases, placing car advertisements on doorways of automotive sections for which a user is known to be recurrently visiting on a general media web page.

Targeting people's background Deducing where the ad can be placed to maximize traffic based from the information a site contains where the ads are served. Say for example, posting ads regarding mountain bikes automatically on web pages containing biking contents.

Improving innovative sources Taking advantage of all extrapolative and experimental measures to delve into the greatest extent of a specific ad's capability and making the most out of that in future cases.

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