Thursday, January 5, 2012

Understanding How Cloud Server Hosting Is Organised In The UK

By Andre Goff

If you own a business that is dependent on technology based services, you should take time to familiarize yourself with cloud based computing services. Cloud computing services are becoming extremely popular around the world today, because they can save companies of all sizes money by maximizing the efficiency of their IT departments. Before you purchase your cloud computing services though, you should learn more about cloud computing pricing scales to ensure you get the best deal on your purchase.

One of the most important factors you can consider when searching for a great deal on cloud computing services is the size of the cloud computing platform. Large hosting providers are in the best position to offer steep discounts to their customers. Large providers are also commonly in a position that requires them to rent out their servers at deep discounts to ensure they maintain a positive balance sheet as well.

Hosting providers that maintain exceptionally large server farms are in the best position to give their customers discounts, because these companies purchase both their servers and their bandwidth in bulk. As a result, these companies can pass on special savings to their customers to attract more business and to make their services more desirable.

Another factor that plays a central role in determining the pricing scale of cloud hosting is the type of demand each customer plans to place upon the host company's systems. Customers who only need a small amount of bandwidth and computing power once in a while will be given access to much more affordable prices than companies who are in need of large amounts of bandwidth and computing power at all times.

Along with searching for companies that maintain large scale server farms, you should also look for companies that can handle sporadic demand. Some companies must charge their customers much more for sporadic demand than they would charge for consistent demand. Sporadic demand on server farms can make it much more difficult for hosting providers to offer their services at deep discounts, because it is more difficult to efficiently handle sporadic demand from customers than it is to handle a consistent amount of demand.

By taking this factor into consideration, you can optimize your company's demand to better suit the pricing scales used by hosting providers. In some cases, thousands of dollars can be saved every single year through the purchase of a consistent amount of bandwidth and computing power up front compared to the purchase of pay as you go plans designed for sporadic usage.

Other factors that may play a role in determining the cost of your cloud based services include the type of software you are given access to, the type of server you need, and the level of uptime you require. If you require the use of the most advanced software on the market and you need access to servers running multiple operating systems, you will likely have to pay a higher price for these advanced services.

Also, the type of server you require can affect the cost of your cloud computing pricing scale. Access to virtual servers for instance is much more expensive than purchases of raw computing power. By purchasing the type of services that are perfect for your unique company, you can save a great deal of money in the long run.

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