Thursday, January 5, 2012

Positive and Negative Effects of Online Games

By Charesse Diaz

Children are very much into playing online games these days. This may cause an effect to the health of the children as well as to their daily routines. Since there are various games in the web, children have an easy access in playing these games. There is a possibility that the children might mimic the characters in the games that they are playing. If this is the case, there is also a bigger chance that they might copy the violent actions of the characters.

The usual effect to the children is that they will lose their attention in their schooling. It also causes the student not to care with their grades. Internet also provides online games free download that allows the children to play instantly. Another disadvantage is that the individual may lacks social communication. This is not a good effect to the person where in he/she has no direct interaction to others. Because online games is addicting, the person might have lesser time in spending with his or her loved ones. The personal growth is also affected since the interest in communicating with other individuals is lost.

In gaming, there are various online games strategies that can be utilized to be able to succeed in the online spiele. There is also online games ab 18 that suits the desires of the age group. As an effect of online gaming, there are individuals in this group where in they are not performing their tasks properly. It also affects the human health because the body lacks exercise. It can also cause the person to be overweight. There are also individuals who are skipping their meals just to do online gaming. This may cause negative effects in the health such as in the gastric area.

On the other hand, there are also good effects of online games. Because of online games free to play, a person can also get entertainment. There are available games in the Internet that can improve the learning ability of a child. It is suggested that kids need to be supervised by their parents when playing games. This is to avoid the instances where in the child might copy the brutal actions of the characters in the online games.

Online gaming can also be the bonding of the family. There are online games free multiplayer where in many individuals can play all together. There are several games in the web that are suitable for group of players. This can make your family closer especially during weekends.

In conclusion, it is important that the games are suitable for the player. For the parents, it is important that they monitor their children when they are playing their games. Online gaming is not bad at all; you just need to have self-control and discipline.

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