Monday, January 2, 2012

The Many Facets Of Blogging

By Richard Horowitz

It seems that everybody is blogging nowadays. People who are regular users of the internet have an idea of what blogging is all about. In fact, people of all ages and status have dabbled in blogging at one time or another, although the young people are the most enthusiastic and avid practitioners of this fad.

Today's youth who grew up in the world of the internet and the information and communication facilities it offers are totally at home not only in expressing their most private thoughts in the internet but are even soliciting and expecting reactions. They see nothing special about information technology advances that they use daily and routinely. What is striking about it is these teens do not seem to run out of ideas and subjects to write about, and the term "mental block" is totally alien to them.

Blogging is a form of expression to the young people in which they found out to their delight that they can be as open and frank about their feelings and emotions cloaked under the mantle of anonymity without fear of derision and scorn. Even the most timid and shy teenager will feel that they belong among both friends and strangers in a blog community. In there, they have the opportunity to be centers of attraction and the star of the moment that they so crave for. It follows therefore that this blog world must remain hidden from their parents and others they would consider as spoilsports.

Observers will be surprised to note that these kids can be so eloquent with their blog writings which are totally unexpected considering their apparent lack of writing skills in normal situations. One probable reason is that teenagers with the talent are not being given a second look by the editors and publishers of dailies and periodicals because they are so young. This discourages the youngsters and is probably throttling a major talent which is emerging.

One of the main reasons why teenagers spend their time blogging is that it presents an opportunity to do their thing away from the watchful eyes of parents and other forms of censorship. The large reach of this new-age phenomenon grants them the flexibility of using their technical skills to acquire attention and to gain a readership for their writing.

Blogging is also a medium by which people with similar interests and opinions can come together and share views. Discussions, arguments and debates can abet thought and can provide positive reinforcements to the teens of the world. Along the way, the teenagers will be assured of a readership and getting feedbacks every time they write something. In a sense, blogs will ease the need of some teenagers for an outlet in the absence of the sometimes too busy parent.

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