Thursday, January 5, 2012

Invading Personal Privacy With Cell Phone Spyware

By Terry Sharp

In case you have not heard, there is a new technology available that allows you to tap into the private world of family members, friends and employees. With cell phone spyware, you can monitor what individuals are doing without their knowledge. If you believe that this technology is something exciting and useful, do not be surprised if someone close to you already started to monitor your calls and messages.

In the old days of wiretapping, people could listen in to a phone conversation but this method was usually used be law enforcement. If the government wanted to eaves drop on a person's conversation they had to get a court order to do it. As of now, there are no laws restricting the use of the software.

The revolutionary spying tool is far more advanced than traditional wiretapping. Installation is very easy and you can even program it to alert you if a specific number is being dialed. All this can be done without the person's knowledge.

The spyware program also comes installed with a surveillance service called World Tracker. The service connects with a person's cell GPS so that you can monitor their location at any given time. The website that comes along with the package allows you to enter a cell number. In return the website will reveal a person's movements on a detailed Google map.

An even scarier aspect to this program is that it can allow you to eavesdrop on a person without having them be on their phone. The program has the ability to turn any cellular device into a listening device. After installation, you have the choice to install a microphone. All you need to do is type a person's number on to the website and a microphone automatically turns on to allow you to listen at anytime.

If you want to monitor the movements of the individual who's phone you are to install the application on, you should choose software that provides a geolocation service. This feature can utilize a GPS system, or work through a concept known as triangulation. Either way, being able to accurately pinpoint the location of an individual at any given time can be a great tool.

Other features that you may want to use include being able to actually listen in on calls that are made to and from the particular handset. There can also be the option of viewing data such as the time and duration of each call.

There is also cell phone spyware that can monitor text messages, multimedia messages, as well as browsing activity. No matter what your reasons for wanting to monitor the user, you can have access to all the data that you need. Just make sure you don't get found out.

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