Sunday, January 1, 2012

How Virtual Games Affects the Children's Life

By Mary Jane Stuart

Computer games have a giant army of opponents who isn't tired of blaming the gaming industry with all of the mortal sins. I won't say that I do support them and their allegations. Certainly they don't seem to be groundless. But I'd like to find out: are games the sole ones to blame? Can you remember the winter tragedy of 1997 in provincial American town of Paducah? On a bright winter morning of the first of December, a 14 "year-old Michael Carneal's took six guns to school with him. After that he hid in the trees and waited until college prayer ended. When the pupils started to go out from the chapel he fired quickly and rubbed out three school-kids and another five were seriously injured.

The journalists informed the entire world of the tragedy without any delay. I consider it to be the first mistake. Why? Some people may think: "Why can't I try such a trick myself and become known all over the world?" Trust me, there are enough folks who would think just like that. Media shouldn't incite their sick imagination with such scandals. It is my personal belief. But we are living in a free society, with a guarantee of liberty of speech and concealing this fact from public would prove quite the reverse.

Sadly, my misgivings came true. The tragedy echoed in Colorado in a small town of Littleton after a bit. 2 kids Eric Harris (18) and Dylan Klebold (17) took into account their predecessor's experience and brought to college about forty hands- made radio controlled mines. Then they began to blow up the mines and in the panic they fired their hunting rifles at their college mates. 20 trusting folk were fatally injured. When the police arrived these 2 "heroes" shot themselves in the highschool library. Like in the case with the 1st teen the 2 fellows were vehement fans of DOOM and Quake. The threesome spent all of their time in net battles, had their own internet pages devoted to their favourite games and built the levels.

Analysing the explanations of the ridiculous conduct the experts were puzzled with the query who was to blame? The mom and dad of the rubbed out children knew exactly who was the culprit. They sued the entertaining industry with $ 130 million greenbacks. They brought a charge against 3 owners of porno sites, one or two firms developing the computer games and film company Warner Bros for their film "Basketball Diaries", where the primary character kills his teacher and his school chums. However the key stress was on the cruel games. The prosecution insists that the games produced by these firms "present violence in particularly interesting and pleasant manner".

May I ask, why are games first to blame? Thousands of new games come up each year and thousands of people play them. The contents of the games can not be compared to the abundance of educational mud in the pictures. My private opinion is that films have no competitors in violence. Films demonstrate actually frightful things: the way in which the crimes should be prepared and what fun it can be to kill folk like you. In this aspect games are underachievers. Besides the movies we also have TELEVISION where each criminal report shows the different sorts of murders with anything available. Don't you fret about it?

The court unconditionally acknowledged the negative influence of games on Michael's immature psyche. But the examination proved him to be sufficient! After this he was handed a life imprisonment without being eligible for ticket of leave in the first 25 years of his term. Harris and Klebold will be judged by quite the other court.

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