Sunday, January 29, 2012

How To Avoid Computer Repair Technicians Pull A Fast One On You

By Adam Ellis

When it comes to communication, shopping, sharing and gaining information, reading news and interacting with other people, the Internet and computers have taken the forefront. Every granny has learnt how to send pictures of her garden to her grandsons and daughters that are scattered all over the world. When things go wrong, the problems start and computer repair companies shave to step in.

At one time or another, something will go wrong. Some little screen will look different or something will look different from the previous time and many users will panic, thinking that they need somebody to fix it. It is important to remember that most of these problems are very basic and that computers rarely break down.

Most users will be dismayed when their machines malfunction, particularly because they have come to depend upon it for so many different functions. This opens a door for unscrupulous people to promise repairs that are not really necessary. In most cases, mishaps can be fixed quite easily, but many users pay premium amounts for totally outrageous solutions.

When selecting a repair service, it is important to make sure that they are reputable and honest. Remember, it is not always necessary to buy the newest and the best in order to perform basic functions. It is always advisable to obtain references and to follow them up.

It is a major problem that too many people have received rudimentary training in hardware or even software and who then sell themselves as experts. A simple review of advertisements will reveal that it is possible to become an expert in only a few days. This is simply not true. The best defense is some level of knowledge. Ask advice and, if possible, attend ate least some rudimentary courses.

Never appoint a computer repair technician without making sure that he or she is knowledgeable in both the hardware and software side of the business. More that eighty percent of problems occur because of software problems, and should be fixed rather easily at minimum cost.

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