Sunday, April 8, 2012

Using Xbox 360 Modded Controllers in Unique Ways

By Corey Erickson

You probably know the many functions as well as advantages everyone gets when they play with Xbox 360 modded controllers in their favorite games like Call of Duty or Gears of War 3. But does every gamer out there really know the full number of uses of them, for real? Probably, an assorted few know all of them benefits, but a majority don't know many beyond what they ordinarily do almost every time they play.

A rapid fire controller has various reason for being the most favored from fans of titles out there (due to capability and function. Those gamers who have these modded controllers can tell you about the advantage it can give over others. And due to its its huge popularity), it is likely that the gaming community is loaded with heavily experienced players who have a set of them. With such a big majority of players using them and frequenting the matches you are selected in, you have two decisions to decide on. Either join and purchase one or being taken down a lot.

Yet, they know about the rapid fire function, but it's likely they probably use it with pistols and other small firearms like revolvers and a number of other firearms in the game. Though, do they know about the use of Xbox 360 modded controllers with other kinds of weapons like shotguns? Usually, most shotguns are single shot or they are pump-action. But with a rapid fire ability, you can fend off enemies by combining any shotgun with this specialty, it is excellent for close-area combat.

Do you doubt it about modded controllers? For a example, let us say, you are the only one left to hold onto the flag from any person on the other time. You need a certain advantage to make certain that you have a good percentage of getting through through them. By using the mod, you can now do damage rapidly with your shotgun. Likely they are swarming in groups. With your gun's advantage of shooting down swarms of opposition in an effective manner, you now have certain way of evening the playing field.

Another thing, Xbox 360 modded controllers not only works with shotguns but sniper rifles that are commonly one-firing ones. They will also boost up the rate of use also. This is perfect for the sniping aficionado who likes using their weapons in an unusual method.

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