Sunday, April 29, 2012

Getting To Know The Facts Behind A Mobile Spy

By Jason Lange

Although cell phones help you stay in touch with the world, they also could be the source of high levels of abuse of privacy. It could give access of your whereabouts to your boss, your spouse or anyone else who may not have very good intentions. The worst thing about it is that you may not even be aware of what is happening, until it is too late. Knowing that a Mobile Spy may be onto you is almost awry, and it may not be the news you want to hear. It is important, therefore, to know how it works and to protect yourself from potential danger.

Wiretapping is now something of old. Right now, there is software that a person can use to simply record your text messages and follow your SMS conversations. Some of these apps can even alert a person when you dial a certain number, and patch them into the conversation. Most of these apps are available online free of charge.

Apart from having access to your information, spies can also know where you are if they want to. Special applications have been created by programmers to locate the location of a mobile device using cell towers and GPS trackers. The moment you are carrying a mobile phone with you, there is a person that can tell exactly where you are by showing your location on electronic mapping software like Google Maps.

Most of these apps are not detectable, which makes them even scarier. Deleting your messages or clearing your call log is no solution either. There are programs that have been created to retrieve these too, without your knowledge. Since these apps can be programmed to tell if you contact certain numbers, you are as good as caught once you dial that number.

The use of these programs is not legal. Although the sellers will tell you not to use them to spy, and even put disclaimers that you will not use them for illegal purpose, it still has the potential for dangerous use. They are used more frequently illegally than legally.

As a spy, it is no excuse to use ignorance as your defense if you are caught. Most state and federal law codes do not take kindly to cases where a person violates the privacy of another person, no matter the circumstances. There are cases where people have landed in jail for such crimes. Accessing information from a person without their consent is illegal, and it carries harsh punishment no matter where you are.

To detect that you device is bugged takes some effort. If you suspect, be on the look out for some early signs. If you hear clicks and noises that you never heard before, that could be a sign of danger. Also, if your phone is off or inactive, then it lights up suddenly, it could also be a sign of danger.

To remove these and stop the Mobile Spy, restore factory settings. This wipes the entire phone clean. Although you lose all your data, if it is backed up then you can just as easily restore it afterwards.

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