Monday, April 30, 2012

What Is The Most Unused LMG In Modern Warfare 3

By Dave Shilling

I'm betting that from all the guns you've picked up from fallen enemies in Call Of Duty MW3, most likely barely one percent of the time you've found yourself wielding the L86 LSW in your hands! It's the very first LMG that is unlocked which leaves most gamers with the feeling that it is therefore the worst and most useless gun.

The problem is that since it does begin so sluggish, slow and racked with recoil so few gamers try to unlock all of the attachments for it resulting in them never knowing about the greatest one of all. The strange thing is that the attachment we are talking about is otherwise not very good on many other guns! So what do you get when you cross the worst LMG with the weakest attachment? Just the greatest gun in the entire game!

Yes, put the Thermal Scope on the L86 LSW and it will become a machine gun sniper. Having this scope attached in combination with the Grip attachment means you can stand totally upright and be firing at some poor enemy on the other end of the map and your aim will keep completely on target. Some have said it's like a lazer, I like to think of it as a machine sniper!

I actually prefer to use the LSW without the grip, instead using the silencer (with the attachments perk). The the recoil is still brought under control by the thermal scope and the silencer will enable you to creep around the map plucking people off and no-one has a clue where the shots are coming from. No red dot on the map from me thank you very much!

I have in fact fully integrated this weapon with what I call my "ghost" class, along with Blind Eye Pro, Assassin Pro and Stalker Pro. It will let you stay off the radar and there is also the additional damage to choppers that blind eye pro grants you makes it child's play to pick them off out of the sky.

So while you are eagerly awaiting the next instalment of the CoD franchise to be revealed, get online with MW3 and start owning your opponents with the LSW and Thermal Scope!

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