Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fraud, Deceptions, And Downright Lies About your personal hosting packages Exposed

By Rodney James Wotton

It is almost a foregone conclusion that anything new will generate some bit of anxiety. Some positive some negative. This can either be true or false, but regardless of where it lies, there is little that one can do except counter it with objective opinions. In this regard, personal hosting packages have not been left out. There are a number of reviews that have been written on this subject matter.

Some are true while others are downright outrageous. This is however quite understandable. A couple of years back, this was something totally none existent. Today, it is being touted as the top business solution. It goes without saying that the lack of full understanding is bound to give room to some distortions of facts.

In most cases, the first victim is often the issue of cost. You guessed it, this is the same case here. If there is something that has arguably contributed to the slow uptake of this service is the cost factor. Due to some reason, there is a belief that it is very expensive to go for this type of hosting service. Now, I have no idea where this could have come from but the fact is it is a misconception that exists.

In the past, it could have held some shreds of truth. This is because the service initially was designed targeting the large businesses. The small and medium entrepreneurs were nowhere in the picture. However, as the market demands shifted and more and more small enterprises popped up, the service providers had to take notice. The end result was a package that targeted this market niche.

All business persons are always concerned about cost. It is almost predictable that the moment you talk about introducing something new, the first question will be about the cost factor. This same mentality has had the negative effect of locking many out of an opportunity that would have positively impacted their operations.

Those who have managed to overcome this challenge have been faced with yet another hiccup. The beliefs that you must be technologically savvy before you go for web hosting services. What you are not told, is the fact that it is not your duty to put the whole thing together. Your role as the end user is simply to determine what you want to put up on the website.

Do not get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with having the technical knowledge. It is actually a good thing to have. However, in this type of service it is not necessary. Should you wish to create a web page, there are several content management systems that you can use. This however, is the story of another day.

There are many advantages to choosing personal hosting packages. The main one being the one stop shop offer. Here, you get everything that you may need to effectively operate your business. At the same time, there is the added advantage of being able to run more than one website while using one account.

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