Monday, April 30, 2012

Getting World of Warcraft Gold with Crafting

By Eric Hellard

Acquiring gold is among the most important and time consuming aspects to the game. Because of this, many players who don't want to put in the time and effort have resorted to buying gold for World of Warcraft. Thus, buy safe gold without banned is a must deed.

This is because Skinning and Leatherworking go hand-in-hand exactly like Alchemy and Herbalism or Jewelcrafting and Mining. You're able to unlearn an occupation all the way but that also mean if you ever want to relearn this, then you will be starting completely from scratch as you'll lose of the skill points that you earned while using that profession.

So how do you get precious metal without violating the game's TOS? There are a lot of ways to earn precious metal. Killing monsters and other players, then taking their gold are a couple of popular ways. Completing one of various quests that are available in WoW is another way to buy WoW gold.

Many players use a gold strategy which involves getting gold through looting and gold farming. The way players do this is by creating characters that essentially function on autopilot. What these characters do is venture out and spend their days killing and gathering gold in WoW. Once they have it, they sell it to others who are willing to buy it. These "robots" running on autopilot usually target other players who do not want to go through the effort of getting gold through methods that require more work, or new players who do not yet know the ins and outs of acquiring gold.

So what they do is simply buy gold from the players which have it. These sellers have their characters transfer the purchased gold to the customers. Using real money to buy gold from outside websites is the practice which is against the games TOS. There are many other "gold getting" strategies available in World of Warcraft. Getting a good World of Warcraft gold guide has become the best way of ramping up your gold efforts. They will definitely assist you to avoid the newbie mistakes that just about all new players make.

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