Sunday, April 29, 2012

Make World of Warcraft Gold with Good Profession

By Seth Ferraiolo

Various free WoW gold guides are continuously update to player. For gold is a main factor in playing the game. You almost can do nothing without money in World of Warcraft. And the demand for strategies on how to effectively make gold on WoW is quite high. Now we'll reveal something with you. Gold is a large necessity for leveling the Warcraft. In order to make large amount of gold to make gold in preparation for those expensive professions, here are four free WoW gold guides:

Firstly, at every level the "grey" junk you get still fetches a decent amount of gold. Between level 70 and 80 the grey scraps, shards and poor quality (none green) weapons and armor that are dropped by mobs will fetch between one and 2 gold per inventory slot filled.

When you have got a good amount of ores into your account, you should be able to smelt them and sell in loads of 20 or 30. Players who are power leveling their characters would definitely require loads of smelted ores and would want to buy them in heaps. Find out the guilds available on your server. Contact them when you decide to sell the items that you have mined so far. The groups or the guilds would be ready to buy the mined items from you.

Use the "Gatherer" add-on to find out the nodes that provided taken ores during your previous spawn. Precious metals would have refilled a few ore nodes during your next visit to your old ore nodes. Silver can refill Tin nodes. Gold can refill Iron nodes. True silver can refill Mithril nodes. Keep this in mind, because all three of these can be valuable.

To get more Mithril, which would enable you to skill up in finding the thorium nodes, just spawn the mountains in the Badlands. The northern side is devoid of Mithril nodes but the outer ring contains a handful of Mithril nodes. You can get thorium ores within Un'goro Crater and Burning Steppes. Gets lots of them and try selling them at the AH. It sells very well there. Gloom'rel is your tutor who can teach you to smelt dark iron at the black forge. But you need 230-skill level to get his assistance. Once you get his assistance, he would teach you how to smelt 8 dark iron pieces into an iron bar that fetches you a good amount of gold when sold at the Auction House.

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