Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to Optimize Your eBay Auction to Get Maximum Returns

By Jerry Lewis

eBay is one of the most well known auction sites on the Internet, where people shop from around the world for everything under the sun. If you list out something to sell on it, chances are that it can attract the most amount of bids, and you end up selling it at a high price. Yet in order to attract the attention you need for this outcome, your auction has to be optimized in a certain way. Your goal is to attract more bids for your items, and you can do this by making some adjustments in the way you run your auctions.

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Your headline is what buyers looking through listings on eBay will see first. The headline should clearly summarize the main advantage of your item. The headline is critical no matter what type of item you're listing.

You want to make your auctions as bidder friendly as possible, meaning that people should find it simple to read your listings and figure out what you're offering.

You want potential bidders who may be scanning your listing to quickly understand it, and the best way to accomplish this is by writing brief paragraphs to discuss your item and make use of bullet points to summarize the main points. Internet users prefer material that's neat and concise, and you may lose bidders if you write in long paragraphs. By making your auction listings easy to read, you'll attract more interest. Always describe your items accurately and specifically. Use the description area to give eBay bidders as complete a picture as possible of your item. Whatever you know about the item, share it with people in the description. People aren't really comfortable buying a product that doesn't go into detail in the description; being vague will affect your overall sales and not give you the best returns.

Do everything you can to communicate in a helpful manner with eBay users. Communicating with bidders and interested parties is simple on eBay, as there are many features built into the system for this purpose. As long as you can do this so easily, it only makes sense to do so. Using quality photographs can go a long way in giving bidders a reason to participate in your auction. It's better to take a picture of the actual item in your possession rather than one the manufacturer posted online, as this makes your auction look more personal and honest. Photographs can make buyers feel like they know what they're bidding on, more than by just reading a description of the item, so using the right one is very important.

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