Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kill Karsh Steelbender in Blackrock Cavern

By Jeni Larios

Karsh Steelbender is the third and an optional boss available in the actual 5-man dungeon, Blackrock Cavern. If you possibly could successfully defeat Corla, Herald of Twilight, the second boss with this dungeon, I believe that there will be no difficult for you to defeat that one. As the benefits, you will obtain some gold in WOW and two item level 308 rare gears by beating Karsh Steelbender. Steelbender's Work of art, bracers of cooled frustration, all of them are good quality gears for leveling. In this post, I will tell you the strategies to defeat this employer.

Before you begin fighting against Karsh Steelbender, you need to kill all of the troggs that surround the region Karsh patrols within the room. At first of this combat, Karsh is shielded simply by Obsidian Armor, reducing their damage taken by 00%. For that reason, you can not kill this boss straight, and you have to discover how to remove his Obsidian Shield.

Once the combat begins, you will see Obsidius is between two assistants. These types of assistants will use an capability to channel an effect which reduces the effectiveness of recovery when they get near to their targets. For this reason, they cannot be pulled through the tank, or he will be killed by the boss and assistants without having healing. Actually the two co-workers should be kited by a few ranged characters such as mage and hunters. They may be immobilized or controlled, so you can use some control skills like Frost Trap to slow down their moving pace.

Common Husam is the first boss in Lost City of the actual Tol'vir. After you eliminate several Oathsworn captains, you will see Husam standing in the middle of a square. He is quite simple to be defeated. When the combat begins, where will be a few glowing traps on a lawn, if you cross one of these, it is going to explode immediately, working damage and knocking back all of the nearby players, therefore all of you should focus on avoid these traps.

Once the debuff ends, the tank need to pull Karsh back into the fireplace. Additionally , your healer should be able to handle the AOE skills without much trouble. This combat won't final too long, so the healer will not be concerned about his mana.

In conclusion, defeating Ascendant Lord Obsidius is a little simpler than the previous several employers in Blackrock Cavern, so there is no difficulty that you should defeat him and also loot the WOW gold and gears left by him.

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