Saturday, March 31, 2012

Developing Trust Within Your Target Market

By Francis Lemaire

You need basically two things to set the stage for a profitable business; the trust of your audience and time to earn it. Obviously embarking on winning the trust war is not an overnight affair, and so you need to give it time and also the willingness to do what needs to be done.

All long-term businesses are built on relationships or a positive rapport, and the road to making that happen involves doing the things that produce an emotional connection. Your marketing efforts can lead your target audience to respond to you on an emotional level through empathy when then are able to experience your thoughts and emotions through your content. No worries if you are a little unsure about what needs to be done.

However, if you want to go a step further from that, you can ask your customers to give you video testimonials that you can use on your website that offer the highest perceived value to your visitors/prospects. Take your navigation set-up extremely seriously because it can be a killer if it has issues. This one should be obvious, but we still want to mention it because we have seen some terrible navigation structures on sites that by all accounts should have been great. It is really a good idea to think about it early on, and create it so your site grows optimally. So it all fits together and works to create an overall impression that is really important. The best approach or thought with all of this is to think, intuitive, because that means people do not have to consciously think about anything - sad, but true. People these days have a lot of options when it comes to sites on the web, and it won't take long for them to jump onto another site if you don't give them a good experience.

There is nothing wrong with healthy competition where you try to make better products than the others. If you have a problem with a competitor, then always approach it with professionalism and avoid public insulting. This is a tactic that usually backfires because if you're going to bad mouth your competitors, then your visitors are going to see you as someone that isn't respectful and understanding, which can actually damage the trust they share with you. So really the best approach is to avoid this practice at all times, and if someone wants to write something about you that is highly negative than respond professionally. Sticking to polite decorum and proper conduct in your business will always be more powerful than resorting to negative talk.

A contact form page must be on your site if you want to be taken seriously and look legitimate. For the very best impression possible, get a cheap 800 number and give that out to your visitors. By providing a real telephone number on your website, you'll see that more people actually trust your site, even if they have no intention of calling you. The opposite intention is obvious, any site or person who is not totally sincere will never do that. But you should go beyond everything to separate yourself from this shady crowd of Internet marketers and webmasters. If it's been a while since you launched your website then it's about time that you take the necessary steps to start growing the trust level with your visitors, so that they come back more often and actually buy from you.

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