Friday, March 30, 2012

Understanding Simple Computer Problems And Their Remedies

By Gnifrus Urquart

Nowadays computers have been used to deal with many problems. However, the same devices can cause you a lot of misery if you do not know how to deal with common problems facing them. It is therefore good to learn about these problems before you purchase one. You should also note that as new faster and reliable computers are more user-friendly when it comes to problem solution than the older ones. Once you learn about the common computer problems, you will be able to solve most on your own

The first problem that many computer owners will experience is slowdown. Once you have loaded many programs in you PC you are bound to experience reduced operation speeds. This is especially the case when you have programs set to run on startup. This does not mean you have to remove the programs in order to experience more speed. However, you should control which programs run on startup.

To get the list of these programs you should go to start menu, then run options. This should lead you to a dialog box where you should type in msconfig before pressing enter. A series of tabs should then appear from which you should choose startup.

On choosing startup, the list of programs that run when you boot the computer should appear. From this you can select the ones you want to continue running when you boot and deselect those that you do not want to run. This will speed up the machine. Apart from the programs, reduced speed can also be caused by registry errors. These occur every time you install and uninstall programs from your computer. In addition the removal of unwanted programs by your antivirus program also contributed to some registry errors. To remove this, you will only need a simple registry cleaner application.

Freezing of the computer is another common problem. This is normally irritating as it happens midway through your work. Freezing occurs due to consumption of the memory. This can be remedied by cutting down the running processes from the task manager.

Another problem of lockups is caused by hardware problems which result in overheating. This normally affects the processor or the video card. A good remedy for this problem is upgrading your cooling system to remove the heated air.

Dust accumulation in the computer can also lead to overheating. You should therefore clean the interior of the computer and especially around the fan where most of the dust accumulates. Learning how to deal with simple computer problems is great as it can help avert major problems later.

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