Friday, March 30, 2012

Productively Utilizing VOIP With Fax Services That You Can Find Online

By Michael C. Harris

Using VoIP technology could sometimes be frustrating when it comes to email to fax/fax to email services. VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol utilizes transmissions through the Internet. Services like Skype and Vonage make use of this technology. When it comes to voice and voice messages, there's seldom a problem; however, when it comes to using an online fax service number, there has been some issues reported.

Many times the cause for this is with the service providers end. In order for the system to work properly for fax, they need to properly configure their system to handle fax transmissions. If this is not configured correctly, no matter how much you coax it, the receiver would still see spotty transmissions and there would be many errors in communication. Even if you can get the VoIP service to configure their services to handle fax traffic, it might not stay that way. As an effect, there is a likelihood that it would work perfectly fine one moment, and would just become tricky again the next. There have been many times when these types of long distance providers will also subcontract long distance service without the knowledge of the customer, and it will result in spotty, error-prone service.

When subscribing to a new service, these things need to be considered. And that is where a free trial could work to your advantage. In the event that a client of yours runs into difficulty in sending a fax by using VoIP, you can recommend to them to send you a test fax using 10-10-220 (Telecom *USA/MCI Worldcom). Instead of dialing directly, they would have to dial 1010-220-111-111-1111 where the 1s are the telephone number provided by you for receiving faxes. If the fax goes through, then the issue is with their VoIP provider, and they'll need to find a different provider in order to send faxes or get in touch with their provider to see if they can get the configuration altered.

If after trying out the 1010-220 option, and they still encounter problems, try to ask them what type of machine they are using, as well as the kind of error in transmission that they receive whenever they would be sending the fax to your online service. You would be able to get all the support that you need with an email to fax/fax to email service. Also, if it's an HP machine, it might be one of the batch of fax machines that HP produced that contained a firmware bug that was creating problems when sending in ECM mode. This was meant to have been resolved, but on some machines it might still be a problem.

Working with a fax to email/email to fax online service provider is a fantastic way to go to lessen the space used by equipment for office use with a digital method of sending and delivery. One of the keys that could lead to getting an excellent service is choosing the right company that provides the right support and has the skills and knowledge pertaining to the service offered. Check out different reviews to see if there are satisfied customers who made use of the service productively, and try to look for free trials so that you may see if they are offering the services that you need. Make sure that support is readily available for any issues like VoIP problems where you can get speedy information on how to proceed. By taking note of these things, you would be able to have a smooth transition from an office fax equipment to an online fax service.

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