Thursday, March 1, 2012

Should I Blog About My Small Business?

By Glenn Matthews

Nowadays when it seems like every business has a website and a blog small business are buying into the idea of the free promotions that come online. Promoting your business is only one of the many things you can do with your blog.

Here are a few reasons why a blog would be good for your business no matter how small it is.

It informs your customers about goods and services that you offer.

You can keep all your employees updated easily and efficiently.

It gives both your employees and your customers a chance to comment and discuss things with you directly.

Now before you get ahead of yourself there are some advantages and some disadvantages that you will need to be aware of if your blog is to be successful. Before you create you blog you must plan out what the purpose of your blog is for. Work out how often you want it updating, one or twice a week is good guide line and then stick to your targeted number of updates. Blogs that are neglected are far less useful than a properly maintained and updated blog.

Multiple blogs maybe required to cover the entire scope of your business as the tighter you focus in on one single topic the more powerful the message will be. It is a good idea to limit how far away from the main topic you are willing to go as this will dilute the effectiveness of the blog in general. If you find yourself straying too far from the main topic you may want to start a blog on this new topic that you have started.

The draw of blogging is that it is easy to use and is highly interactive for both the reader and the blogger. That being said, you will need to control the interactivity to maintain that your blog continues on track. You need to keep a sense of consistency through out all of your posts for your blog to be successful. As with the rest of life, there is always someone spoiling for a fight or ready to hurl abusive comments in your direction via their comments, so it is a good idea to monitor your comments and remove any potential abusive or nasty ones.

Don't worry about the technology behind blogging, but focus instead on how you can take advantage of it to help your business. There a many ways to improve the flow and look of your blog, adding music clips is great if you are in the music industry, or excerpts of books if you are in the publishing industry, it is up to you to make the technology fit your purpose. Don't just add them randomly because they are available, only add what will help your blog become clearer.

It is vital that you remember that your blog is your half of a conversation between you and your readers. It is important that you consider carefully what you are going to post to your blog before your actually post it because it is easier to rewrite it now than it is later.

As long as you plan out all the aspects of your blog, such as how often to update it and setting aside time to do that and considering carefully everything that you post you will soon find that your blog is one of the biggest business assets that you have.

These simple steps almost guarantee a successful blog, but they will need you to do them if you don't, the results you will get will be very disappointing.

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