Thursday, March 1, 2012

Replacing Your Laptop Is Expensive Compared to Repairing It.

By Paul David

Laptops really do take a bit of a beating, they ensure all kinds of bumps and scrapes in our bags when we're on the go. Lots of people take their laptop everywhere with them, this means that from time to time repairs will need to be carried out, or lost Toshiba laptop chargers replaced. Instead of buying a whole new laptop every time yours starts playing up, why not look into whether or not it's worth fixing? New laptops cost a great deal of money, so if you can save some cash by buying the parts and repairing it yourself, why not?

It isn't just portable computer repairs that we want to purchase parts for. As technology advances and new programs and software get released it can occasionally be important to upgrade a portable computer for it to run stuff like the latest O/S. It isn't always necessarily and it's expensive to get a new portable computer, whilst upgrades are generally rather cheap. Upgrading stuff like the drive or RAM in your laptop PC are especially easy - often merely a case of "plug and play".

With regards to the power for your laptop there are two items to think about, the laptop charger and the battery. If your laptop adapter is no longer charging the battery it could be a sign that the battery has used up all it's charging cycles and will need to be replaced. As the battery is a consumable item it will never last forever and if you have had your laptop long enough this is something you need to consider. In normal conditions you should expect your battery to last for around 2 years before experiencing issues. If you do find yourself in this position you can still use the laptop with just the power supply attached. You do not need to have a working battery for the laptop function, it is however best to remove it altogether. If either the laptop adapter or the battery do need to be replaced they're going to cost a lot less than replacing your laptop.

There are some other vital elements that can need replacing on your portable computer like the surrounding plastic or perhaps the screen. Swapping these parts for fresh ones isn't that easy but so if you want to get them replaced it's probably smarter to have a pro do it for you, rather than trying to do it yourself. Changing screens can be especially tricky, and it is not a simple task to finish in comparison to changing a battery or inserting a new drive.

Next time you lose or break your laptop charger don't just assume it's time to replace the entire unit. Spend a little time weighing up the pros and cons of purchasing a new machine, you may find that a quick search for Toshiba laptop chargers is a lot more fruitful, and much, much cheaper than buying a whole new laptop.

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