Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How to make a Blog

By Tom Jones

You decided to start blogging but do not know how to start a blog. How to start a blog is not all that tough. It is very easy and you can start blogging within a few hours you determine to blog. The first thing you need to do for blogging is to determine upon the theme of your blog-is it going to be a general blog or a topic particular blog.

The reason for the existence of your blog will define its future. There are millions of bloggers there in the web space and you need to think how and what is going to differentiate you from the rest. Don't blog just about something. Write something you are passionate about, something you can add value to.

After picking your topic, you need to see if you want to host your blog on your independent web site or you want to use the free blogging web sites like blogspot. Hosting your own blog provides you an advantage of being independent. It gives you the ownership and a room to grow. The blogging web sites keep you away from the hassles of hosting the website. You don't have to get into any of the hassles, just create an account and start blogging.

The next step is the most fun step. Come to a decision what are you going to call your blog and how the design is going to be like. All this will depend upon your audience- if it is going to be youngsters, adults, serious visitors or a fun reader. You will have to contemplate all this and then choose on this.

After you have taken all these decisions and start blogging, the keyword for a successful blogger is 'consistency'. Be constant about your content and frequency of updating your blog. This will keep your viewers satisfied and pull more followers.

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