Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Computers and Technology: Software Article Category

By Jon Warner

Time Boxing: How It Helps Freelancers
by April Dee Barredo
Time boxing helps fight procrastination and the tendency to lose focus, two of the main problems of working as a freelancer. You get to set your tasks with corresponding time limit and work on them conscientiously as planned.
Banner Design Software Helps To Increase Your Website Visibility
by Daniel Hopper
The website owners are often worried about the general outlook of their websites and want to apply the marketing strategies so as to achieve the marketing goals and targets. Using web banners is believed to be the best ways presenting any information that you want to highlight.
Speeding Up the Performance of Windows Vista
by Herry Willson
Often the new or old Windows Vista computers start to work very slowly. You can optimize the computer startup, remove unwanted applications, and set the virtual memory correctly to speed up Windows Vista. If you still face slow performance issue then contact Microsoft Windows Vista Support Team for expert assistance in this matter.
MS Excel - Pivot Table Foundations
by BJ Johnston
Excel is one of the most powerful features of MS Excel. The are used to analyze, explore and summarize your data. In order to get the most out of Pivot tables you have to get the building blocks or foundations of your data correct. Do this, and you can have perfect pivots. Here is how.
Google Analytics Tutorials - Traffic Sources
by Chris M. Gill
Are you interested in learning more about Google Analytics and how it can help you understand your Internet marketing campaign better? Web site owners who use Google Analytics to track and analyze their site traffic have a wealth of information at their fingertips.
What Should a Digital Signage Software System Do for You?
by Dhruv Tribedi
There are number of digital signage softwares to choose from. Almost all of them will do a pretty good job at getting media from A to B and displaying it. So, if you take that as a given, what should you consider as priorities when trying to pick one from the bunch? Here are some points you need to ponder upon when considering a platform: The software you choose should be proven to be rock solid stable. Check that the software copes with poor connectivity and is intelligent about how it distributes its files.
Tracking Software - A Good Way to Protect Your Laptop
by Larry R Russell
With the advancement in technology, the number of laptops, mobiles and other portable gadgets has increased over time. Thus, the threat of such devices being lost or stolen has also increased.
Importance of Testing in Software Development
by David Frankk
Software testing is a process to determine the quality of the software developed by a developer or programmer. It is a methodological study intended to evaluate the quality-related information of the product.
How Has New Software Helped Modern Businesses
by Adam Vogas
One example of a particular software which has helped modern businesses is Microsoft excel. The benefits of this software are numerous.
ITSM - IT Service Management: A Better Discipline
by Jessica Lacis
IT service management is a combination of process management and of the industry's best practices. This then results to a standard approach which enables organizations to deliver quality IT services. It addresses operational practices, from procurement and implementation to delivery of services to the business. This is a philosophical view centered on the customer's perspective of IT's contribution to the business.
Transportation Management System: Choosing a Logistics Resource
by Ruby Stein
For the average shipper, the cost of freight transportation is second only to the cost of payroll. Consequently, when a shipper needs to increase its bottom line, reducing the cost of freight transportation is one of the first considerations. There are two keys to achieving a cost-effective shipping process: the correct selection and correct management of shipping arrangements, both of which require a logistics resource.
Obtain Loads of Help From a Competent Medical Clinic Receptionist
by Richard B Maputi
A medical clinic is a health care facility that is mainly dedicated to provide health care for outpatients. It can be privately operated or publicly run and funded. A medical clinic offers only minor treatments for most medical check-ups unlike larger hospitals that offer specialized treatments and admit patients for overnight stays. They both cater us with health services that we need when we are ill or feeling something unusual. There are a lot of clinics nowadays that are fast rising as big hospitals. Most medical clinics have limited staff, some only employs a secretary and the general practitioner or physician him/herself. If you are a physician who has a good track record when it comes to patient care, most likely your patients are lining up everyday. In this light, a capable medical clinic receptionist may help you handle the demands of your medical practice. Make sure that your receptionist is able to carry out everything related to her job.
PDF Converter - Extract Images From PDF and Convert PDF to Image
by Gracy Brett
PDF is one of the most secure ways of sharing file with multiple recipients. It is the best format to upload a document to the Internet without any worries of copying or tempering of its content.
Proper Implementation of Appointment Reminder System Helps Reach The Target Monthly Revenue Goals
by Jane Susaeta
Today, about 82.4% of Americans own mobile phones and as the years progress, this number keeps increasing too. This number is a strong enough proof that the best way to reach people will be through their mobile phones. It goes the same with medical appointments booked three or four weeks ago. Sometimes sticky notes on the fridge or in planners are not enough to remind you just in time for your next appointment. So for medical clinics, it is time to take matters into your own hands by proactively reminding your patients that they need to see you on the date and time that they have specified when they first called in. This can only be achieved by having an automated appointment reminder system in place.

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