Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Affiliate Marketing And Its Common Mistakes

By Richard Horowitz

When it comes to making money online, it's no secret that affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to do so.

Some products even pay you as much as 75% and most also have an affiliate program. Trying to find the ones that pay the most, sign up, drive traffic to that site through your affiliate link and you're all set right is all you have to do.

Wrong! How about if we back up a minute.

Choosing an affiliate program that pays a high percentage would be great however, that's not really the most important. It's most important to find a quality affiliate program that meets certain criteria.

First, you want to make sure the product is a proven seller. Wasting your time and money driving traffic to a site that doesn't convert is something you want to avoid doing. You should try to find one with a good conversion rate.

You also need to make sure that the site you become an affiliate for protects his affiliates and that it has your best interest at heart. Look for one that provides banners, e-mails, and other tools you can use to promote the site. Making sure that there is only one payment option is also very important. As an affiliate marketer, you need to be sure that you will get credit for your referral. If ever there is more than one payment method, then you can get shortchanged.

Third, you should avoid choosing an affiliate program that promotes an email course. Nothing angers me more than becoming an affiliate to a site that's first goal is to capture email addresses, and then tries to make the sale second. Being an affiliate marketer means that you need to capture email addresses and then convert that prospect into a sale. A good idea is to stick with affiliate programs that aren't focused on capturing leads because it's simply not in your best interest. Build your own list, not someone else's.

While affiliate marketing can be an absolute goldmine, you will only be wasting your money if you choose the wrong affiliate programs.

Take a look at this quick note. Don't let anyone tell you a particular Niche is too saturated. Unless you have deep pockets you should stay away from industries like credit repair, gambling, insurance, etc. You can, however, even succeed in those if you are inventive enough. You can also try out new methods of generating leads. Be creative.

You never know, you might even surprise yourself.

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