Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Significance of Having a UPS Battery Backup for Your PCs

By Jason Sloan

UPS stands for uninterruptible power supply or uninterruptible energy source. This is an electrical device intended to provide power supply to a load in the case of a power blackout or when the power input fails. It differs substantially from an auxiliary or backup power system or standby generator in that a UPS device provides instantaneous protection against power outages.

At any moment and for any cause, a power supply may be an abrupt cut off. Power outages can result from electrical poles being disrupted by storms or traffic accidents. Faults in the grid or from a power plant may also cause blackouts. Or there simply may not be enough power supply in a specific area at that time, so power outages are scheduled. We have learned to cope with these issues but our computers, unfortunately, just aren't hardwired to deal with them in the same way.

Computers are delicate pieces of machinery which can sometimes be damaged by a sudden power outage or fluctuation. Items in a P. C. like hard disk drives can be influenced and information can even get lost when power goes off and you've not correctly shut down your PC.

It is especially destructive to the computer drive when there's frequent power interruption. When power is suddenly cut off, your hard drive spins down without being shut down properly. When power comes back, and you restart, on occasions you may find that much of your work has been lost. Sudden power loss during data transfers can damage partitions making the drive inaccessible. Also power comebacks generally are accompanied by flickers or fluctuations which may turn your personal computer off again. Hard drives can only take so much of this kind of abuse. There are some cases where computers even blow up.

To guard your computer hard drive from these unfortunate scenarios, you need to plug your personal computer into an electric device called a UPS system. Right at the moment of a power blackout, these brilliant devices will act as a battery backup power supply which will immediately provide power to your personal computer for enough time to allow you to save your information and correctly shut down your computer.

A UPS device not only protects your PC from absence of power, it also defends from way too much of it. A UPS is also a power surge breaker in that it shields your PC from those little brownouts or flickers which we do not notice but which can do damage to your computer.

Grab a UPS device now to protect your PC and your info.

In all but the most significant cases of info loss due to hard drive failure or corruption from power spikes or outages, a pro data recovery company will be well placed to rescue most, or even all, of your data.

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