Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Software Teacher's view of Deploy Legal Software and Legal Technology into Law Practices,

By Mike Ziyadeh

According To Gail Persichilli, Software Trainer: When referring to implementing legal software and legal technology into law practices in 2012, technical knowledge and effective communication are still the best drivers of success.

Gail Persichilli, recent Town Representative of the World Legal Technology Association or ILTA for Philadelphia, is an expert at helping the legal practice navigate and handle the growing technological dependence from small law firms to large law firms including the select law practices; she describes a burgeoning industry which promises to either leave law practices floundering in its wake or set them sailing. As a supporter of automating and streamlining workflows in the areas of law practice management, Gail possesses an enthusiasm and excitement for partaking of projects integrating legal software and info technology capabilities into legal practices. These capacities are enabling her clients to realize greater success through increased potency and profits. As a motivator and integrator, Gail credits a great part of the successfulness of her projects to a "listening ear", cooperation, and her solid relations with vendors.

While in an interview this December, I asked Gail if she could define her most rewarding work as a legal software trainer. Without hesitation she referenced her experience as a Software Licensing and Project Integration Specialist with a notable Philadelphia Legal Company, and her leadership in rolling out BigHand speech to text software, a project which has been formerly recognised in online case reviews and articles. Other speech to text software products serving the wants of legal practices are Dragon Naturally Talking by Nuance, which 90% of legal professionals reported using in a 2011 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report. Also legal practices are using Siri for the iPhone 4s.

Both due to its disruptive nature technologically and the immediate value it offered to the legal professional, BigHand transformed the way this firm did business. In Gail's own words, BigHand led on to giant approval among legal professionals who previously used dictation during the course of their legal practice. However it had gained the widest and swiftest acknowledgment among legal professionals who were not dictating regularly and had accepted the Android phone as a potential tool for supporting business applications. The results were stumbling as the firm experienced a fast turnabout in its investment, saving thousands of dollars almost immediately by simply implementing speech to text software within its practice. Additionally, BigHand reps. went above and beyond their commitment to customer service, ensuring a better quality implementation at a lower cost and faster "time to market". Gail's relationship with the pros at BigHand gained synergy as the effective communication between consumer and vendor gained momentum. As a result the positive impression left by both businesses is something to copy.

When questioned what other directions in technology she could foresee accelerating efficiencies in the practice of law, Gail replied that the flexibility, portability, and simplicity of use of the iPad would continue to make headway and radically change the business of running a practice. Years back the idea among counsels of having the facility to possess the technology to elegantly, easily, and expediently get access to, manipulate, and implement files of the multi-media type, was funny. According to Gail, legal professionals are already reaping the benefits of law practice management software designed for the iPad, and promise to provide legal professionals with greater efficiencies than would a Citrix environment.

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