Sunday, October 16, 2011

Things You Need To Do To Softmod For Wii

By Jay Anderson

Those that own the popular Wii can often be seen doing a softmod for Wii on their console. By learning how to softwood Wii with a software program, you can do exciting new things with your console that a locked console cannot do. You will be able to play music and DVD's, along with imported games. You will welcome the opportunity to play backup games and homebrew.

When you unlock your Wii you open it up to a whole new world of game play and fun. You can backup any Wii game and then use your Wii to play those backups; you can play games from all regions. The softmod will allow you to play your old favorites from the Nintendo 64, the Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, and other old consoles, right from your Wii.

There are a lot of people making a lot of money by selling Wii's that have been soft modded. Why pay for a console that has been pre-modded by someone else, especially knowing it might already be used? Some of them will cost a small fortune. You could also purchase a Wii mod chip, again, why? For less than the cost of the Wii mod chip you can softmod yours yourself. Plus, if you add the chip, you will void your warranty.

By learning how to soft mod your Wii you will find it is inexpensive. The only thing you have to buy is an SD card. So why not save your money and buy something you really want, like a new accessory for your Wii?

You will need to begin by buying an SD card. You can find them pretty cheap at most electronic stores or department stores that carry electronics. You will need one to download some software from the Internet to add to your Wii. The softmod will be installed to the SD card.

Search the Internet for the software you need to install the mod to your SD card. The software you use will help you to unlock your Wii console safely. This is important because you do not want it to end up being a doorstop when you are done. Be sure to follow all of the instructions carefully to prevent damage.

Once you have downloaded the softmod file to the SD card, put the card into the Wii's SD slot. When you turn on your Wii console, the softmod menus will pop-up. Follow the on-screen directions to start the software. It will do a quick install and within a few minutes your Wii will be unlocked. The whole process will take approximately 20 minutes, maybe less.

Learning to softmod for Wii is a much simpler process and takes about 30 minutes. If you choose to hard mod your Wii, you can spend several hours soldering and screwing. When you learn how to softwood Wii, it will not void your warranty like the hard mod will. A softmod is easily reversible so that if you want to revert back to your old Wii version, it can be done, risk free.

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