Friday, December 2, 2011

The Information Marketing Business - Sell Your Expertise!

By Troy Jones

Do you have an area or areas of expertise? Have you ever thought of turning your skills and experience into a training program based on your expertise? The words "Information Marketing Business" may seem like another stuffy buzzword to you, but this could be your key to making a killing from the information and skills you have gleaned through the years!

The difference between dizzying triumph and abject failure is in the type of information you know. This is how we roll in the information marketing business - if you have the right information, you succeed, and if you don't, then tough - you're just another back marker in the Formula 1 race to online success. Trial and error, unfortunately, is a very common learning technique, and this results in a lack of information in most cases. However, there is a marketing formula that you can use. This marketing formula is the secret of many Internet guru millionaires. And for the first time on the is the Secret, revealed.

Becoming an expert in the information business has several advantages from being able to set your own schedule to becoming your own boss. This will also allow you to use the business acumen, or instincts you have gleaned through your area of expertise. Instincts can go a long way. Many professionals in various occupations build an instinct. Through the years, even decades you have spent in your trade, you develop instincts. This same type of instinct applies to marketing plans and ventures.

Another benefit of becoming an expert is that you will attract customers. You can make a name for yourself in a specific market or industry. This reputation will have customers seeking YOU out for help thus cutting down on marketing costs.

How do you profit from your expertise? You create your intellectual property. Intellectual property can be in the form of e-books, teleseminars, online training, etc. And you still have the option to use CDs, DVDs, email or even cassette tapes and video tapes to disseminate your information. The choice is all yours!

Remember, it is the information that customers seek, not whether you have a pretty box or fancy graphics. The information should be at the heart of your intellectual property, not the packaging.

Then again, what if your expertise is limited to unmarketable pap that simply won't sell? You will want to shop around for an individual whose expertise is relevant, but not his/her marketing skills. Create a partnership with this expert and help them market their intellectual property. This partnership will benefit you both by giving the expert exposure and giving you access to a guru on a subject. And when it's all over, you and your partner will be lighting each other's cigars with dollar bills - or something to that effect.

You can earn a regular income and earn a good profit all in all simply by being an entrepreneur expert . You can sail (or fly) the Seven Seas or operate your business from the comfort of home. Now that we revealed the secret recipe, it's about time you gave the information marketing business a try.

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