Tuesday, May 1, 2012

5 of the best computer programmes of the last decade

By Victor S Tunkin

1) Google Chrome. It's amazing just how far this computer programme has come in its short three and a half year life. After an initial stable release in September 2008, Google has found itself providing the browser of choice for a quarter of desktop internet users. Recently added features such as automatic web translation show that Google won't rest on its early success.

2) iTunes. It's a slightly different story for one of the world's most used media players, originally released way back in 2001 for Mac. While initial iPod sales encouraged the adoption of this computer programme, it was only when iTunes released its own store in 2003 and several months later a version for Windows users that the programme could really take off.

3) Skype. The most popular VoiP application among personal users, this computer programme has grown in ability and popularity over its nine-year lifespan. The release of Skype on mobile devices is one of the most significant developments in recent years, while from a business point of view the takeover by Microsoft in 2011 could prove to be crucial to the computer programme's future development.

4) Google Chrome. The most exciting thing about this computer programme is that the web browser's full potential is yet to be realised. Already holding a 25% market share after just three and a half years, Google Chrome was released with a barrage of promotion, pushing the browser's speed and security features on one hand and highlighting how the internet has become such an integral part of our lives on the other.

5) Skype. This computer programme has been many people's first and only introduction to VoiP and if Mircosoft, who bought the company in 2011, have their way it will stay like that. Even the most technologically challenged are able to make Skype work, allowing families around the world to keep in touch with each other. In fact, based on minutes, Skype is the largest international voice carrier around.

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