Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Types Of Communications In A Modern World

By Bruce Jopples

Communications in a modern world are much different and continuing to change forms compared to those used in the past. There are not only new ways to communicate now, but also new forms of language as well. These modern forms are more technologically advanced and promote shorter, more informal and impersonal communication.

In the past, communication was done primarily face to face, by telephone, or through a written letter sent through the postal service. Most people preferred face to face communication since it allows for higher quality communication complete with body language, tone of voice, voice inflection, and a generally more personal connection. When that wasn't available, a phone call was the next best thing. And written letters were normally the last choice since they were poorer forms of communication, and took longer to deliver.

In the recent past, a shift in preferences has started to develop - at least for personal communication methods. Personal communications preferences have started to move towards more impersonal forms of communication. This has been aided, and probably even driven by the rise in popularity of using technology for communication.

In addition, you still call someone on the telephone at home, but cell phones make it possible to reach someone even when they're not home. In fact many people have only cell phones and no land-line telephones in their homes anymore because they are so much more convenient and powerful.

But the biggest change has been occurring since the introduction of instant messaging on computers and even more so with text messaging on cell phones. These lend themselves much more to very short messages. And since cell phone screens are so small, this requirement of short messages is even more crucial.

Cell phones provide the ability for one person to speak to another person in real time no matter where they are (as long as they have cellular service in their respective areas). Smart phones also allow for text messaging, instant messaging, email access, and internet access. Text messaging has probably impacted cell phone communication the most since it has led to shortening of words ("u" for "you, " or "r" for "are" for instance).

As technology becomes a more and more integral part of our lives, it will be used in a greater capacity for communication as well. Short forms of communication are becoming more prevalent, and impersonal communication methods are becoming more and more preferred. Concerning communications in a modern world, whether good or bad, it is what it is.

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